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What makes Duyunov's technology unique
Duyunov's hub motor is the first in the world induction motor with "Slavyanka" winding that has a unique combination of work capacity and power consumption.
The new technology is based on the developed innovative technology of combined motor winding (a star and delta winding combined in parallel).
Thanks to the combined winding the parameters of the hub motor are significantly improved and energy efficiency is enhanced.
- A 50% torque increase
- A 25% trip distance increase
- A 10% maximum speed increase
- 30% enhancement of acceleration characteristics
477 000
investors -
18 600
around the world -
participating in the project

Anyone can invest
Investments in the project "Duyunov's motors" are attracted by crowdinvesting, which is otherwise also known as collective funding. This means that funds for the project implementation come from small and medium-scale investors.
Today any person from any country can become an investor and buy shares of the innovative business. The investors can count on part of the company's profit in dividends or earn profit from capitalization.
Thanks to modern technology and a convenient back office, these investments are convenient, safe and suitable even for beginner investors.
Application area for Duyunov's efficient induction motors

- Industrial machines
- Electric hand tools
- Pumps
- Flameproof

- Electric cars
- Electric bicycles
- Electric boats
- Electric aircraft
- Electric locomotives

- Wind power engineering
- Water power engineering
For your reference:
- 1881 — the beginning of electric motors production.
- 60% of all power produced in the world is consumed by the electric motors.
- More than 7 billion electric motors are produced every year.
- The overall world motor fleet is 82.5 billion motors, the fleet wear and tear is about 80%.
- There are more than 10,000 of electric motor types, 80% of them are induction motors.
- There has been no significant renovation or modernization in this area over the past 60 years.
What is the main difference between Duyunov's hub motors and BLDC-motors?
Comparing hub motor types:
General comparison
- 1. No deceleration force when powered off
- – coasting option;
- – easy to pedal.
- 2. High-efficiency regeneration.
- 1. Powerful braking torque when powered off:
- – no coasting option;
- – hard to pedal.
- 2. Hindered regeneration.
- 1. Retaining torque at any rotation rate
- 2. Controllable overload capacity, depends on currents.
- 3. Maintaining coercitive force during the whole service life irrespective of operation.
- 1. Significant drop in torque with the increased rotation rate.
- 2. Overload capacity is limited by magnet induction.
- 3. Losing coercitive force in the course of time. The loss rate depends on the operational conditions:
- – the motor capacity will decrease over time.
- 1. Practically immune to physical effect.
- 2. Not vulnerable to ferromagnetic dust.
- 3. Not vulnerable to moisture attack.
- 4. Half of the motor is in standstill position, good cooling system.
- 5. It's possible to use a wire cable of any diameter.
- 1. Vulnerable to physical effect. Magnets are a fragile material. They demagnetize and can crumble on impact.
- 2. Vulnerable to ferromagnetic dust:
– often get damaged in service;
– repair is difficult. - 3. Vulnerable to moisture attack:
– rust, can come unglued. - 4. The need in leaktight integrity makes organizing the cooling system difficult.
- 5. Power feed cable is limited in diameter.
- 1. Low cost.
- 2. Availability of materials and suppliers of Russian raw materials, independence from other countries.
- 3. Easy to produce.
- 1. More expensive.
- 2. Very few suppliers of raw materials. Everything is patented and monopolized, dependence on China.
- 3. Lack of raw materials on the market, these raw materials are difficult to produce and process.
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About our project development

- 1995
- Research and development of the technology started 20 years ago.
- 2011
- The beginning of wide practical application of combined winding motors and getting the first patent.
- 2012
- Award for the best innovative project in the XI Contest of Russian Innovations.
- 2013
- Donetsk: Testing "Era" electromotive. After the modifications "Era" drives 11 instead of 5 carriages.
- 2014
- Tyumen: Modified wind synchronous generator produces the same amount of power at the wind speed of 2 m/sec as the generator before modification produced at 5 m/sec.
- 2015
Lutsk and Kiev: Successful technology implementation in an electric bus.
Germany — Monaco: Modernized all-wheel drive Renault Kangoo electric car shows record performance excelling all electric cars of its class.
Issue of MK prototype 3. Taking part in the exhibition in Moscow in the "Central House of Artists" supported by the "Global Wave"
- 2017
- Launch of the worldwide crowdinvesting project.
- 2021
- Construction of the "SovElMash" factory buildings by "HAKA Moscow" and "Astron" companies. Commissioning of the facility is scheduled for 2024 according to the implementation schedule.
- 2024
- Project roadmap
About the company «SovElMash»
«SovElMash» LLC is an innovative startup company created in 2017.
«SovElMash» LLC is officially a member of a Special Economic Zone «Technopolis Moscow». The «SovElMash» Engineering Center is set up to design and produce energy efficient induction motors based on the «Slavyanka» technology. Induction electrical motors are used all over the places: from manufacturing, housing and public utilities to electric vehicles. The leading power consumer in manufacturing is the electric drive. «SovElMash» LLC develops solutions for electrical machines adoption. Such machines are highly efficient, and still, their production cost stay relatively low. These motors correspond to all European standards and have much better technical characteristics.
Official website of the company:

«SovElMash» LLC will make profit from:
- Selling licences for the right to produce Duyunov's electric induction motors
- Selling manufacturing equipment and toolings for producing the motors
- Selling solutions for production expansion
- Selling end products
What is offered to the investors
SolarGroup LTD is officially a founder of «SovElMash» LLC with a share of 49.5%.
The window of opportunities for successful project development is provided by:
- Substantial deficit of rare-earth metals which restrains the possibility of increasing the overall production of drive motors in China.
- The current European standards for electric induction motors energy efficiency.
- Ban on introducing electric tools with rotational motors on the territory of the European Union.
- Import substitution programme proclaimed by the President of the Russian Federation.
- Rapid development of electric vehicles in the countries of Southeast Asia and India.
- Legislative enforcement of increasing energy efficiency in the Russian Federation and the European Union.
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Developer of the technology
Duyunov Dmitriy Aleksandrovich
A Russian inventor of the induction hub motor in which a wide copper winding ring is used instead of a rare-earth magnet belt used in classic electric motors.
Head of research and technology in the innovative company "AS and PP".

Patents, Awards, Diplomas
We will increase the capacity of your electric motor by 15-50%

- Reducing specific energy
consumption by 10-40% - Improving vibronoise characteristics:
on average the noise level is lower than 5 dB - Improved reliability:
service factor is 2.5 - Starting torque
increased by 40% - Starting current ratio
decreased by 40% - Minimum torque
increased by 40% - Maximum torque
increased by 20% - Getting efficiency and power factors close to reference values within the load range of 20% to 140%
I want to get the latest news and materials about the project development
National representative offices of SOLARGROUP
In these countries, the company's partners are particularly active: they organize offline and online events, introduce their compatriots to the possibilities and prospects of the project, and popularize the "Slavyanka" technology.
You can contact the SOLARGROUP national representative office in your country for more information or apply online after registering a personal account.